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Reading for pleasure was never really my thing until a few years ago. I'd buy a book here and there, read it once (if I even made it through) and then it would sit on a shelf collecting dust. It started to bug me that these books were taking up space and I would probably never read them again.

As I started reading more but wanting less stuff, I realized the public library was my new best friend. I love that I can pick up a book (renew it up to 5 times if no one is waiting) and bring it back for someone else to enjoy without it taking up space. Audiobooks are also an option, you just have to download the app. And if you have or care for young children, most libraries have story time at least two times a week!

So...if you aren't already a fan of the library, I hope I have convinced you why it's super cool, saves you money and helps cut down the clutter.

SIDE NOTE: I am all about keeping books that you really love and value OR keeping a few pretty coffee table and shelf books to style your space with.

Last - I'm including some of the books I've recently checked out or are on my hold list. If you have any book recommendations, please share!

1. The Latte Factor, David Bach - currently reading

2. Outer Order, Inner Calm, Gretchen Rubin

3. Why I Wake Early, Mary Oliver

4. Women Who Run with the Wolves, Clarissa Pinkola Estes

5. A Zero Waste Life in Thirty Days, Anita Vandyke

6. Ikigai, Hector Garcia

7. The Conscious Closet, Elizabeth Cline

8. Kiss the Ground, Joshua Tickell

Happy reading!

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