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In late January and February I started feeling really down, feeling a loss of purpose. I started working with a new mentor doing a ton of reflection and internal work. In many ways I had already started to slow down and spend a lot more time alone (outside of family). As I thought about Well Edited, I had to pause and ask myself - How do I want to serve other women? What fills me up? Where do my personal values and business mission line up?

Then I started to pivot.

First, I realized that often when I'm speaking and working with clients they're completely overwhelmed. Before we even get into decluttering and organizing we spend a lot of time talking through the process and their why. Why do they want to get their space in order? What other areas of life feel cluttered? How do they deal with over scheduled lives and the feeling of never having time?

Second, although Well Edited Co. is primarily a home organization service, the larger

mission is to help women live lighter, find clarity, create a home to live, gather and thrive in AND take small steps towards a simpler and more sustainable life.

Third, although I maintain a "well edited" space there were (and still are) many areas of life that are cluttered. I had to go from frustration to flow not just in my home but in other areas. During that time, my plan was something like this more and less list:


  • Meditating

  • Visualizing

  • Solo walks

  • Journaling

  • Daily mantras

  • Creating boundaries

  • Prioritizing thoughtfully

  • Connecting with like-minded people

  • Learning about me - how I work, learn, create and take care of myself


  • To do's

  • Guilt

  • Mental clutter

  • Digital noise

  • Toxic people

  • Adding too much to my schedule

  • Worrying about saying no to things

After a lot of experimenting, things slowly started to shift in a positive way for me. Then came mid-March and we were all forced to shift, pivot and slow down in some ways while becoming busier and overwhelmed in other ways. This temporary new way of life and what I was experimenting with seemed to align and that's the how and why I pivoted. It's also why I've been putting out more content on processes, roadblocks, habits and freeing up our schedules and to do's. Is it perfect? way but I'm still pressing forward and making adjustments as needed.

Is creating a space you love, decluttering and/or organizing something you are hoping to do but have a hard time getting started? Are you still finding the need to fill your schedule at this time or finding time to rest and maybe even create? What's on your more and less list? If you want to chat more about any of the above let's connect here.

Photo bySTILonUnspla

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