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Establishing a morning routine can be a game changer, especially as our days seem to blur together. When life gets crazy and stress & anxiety get the best of us, carving out just 20-30 minutes for a short routine makes a difference. As someone who isn't a morning person, values alone time, has a lively 3 yo, works full-time while side-passioning (is that a word?) - I often struggle. Having a morning routine and doing something just for me helps to keep me grounded and ready to navigate the day a little better.

A recent journal prompt made me question my routines, it asked "Are my current routines getting me closer to my goals? If not, what can I do to change them?" While I enjoy my morning ritual, my weekly routine feels off so I decided to experiment a bit with it this morning.

First here's my current morning routine. This routine isn't always perfect but it works most days. I try to make it a priority so if my daughter is up before I get it in, I ask my husband to entertain her for a bit or I'll do it later in the day. In the next week or so, I plan to add in stretching, try to meditate for longer and wake up earlier so I'm not rushing this important time. Stay tuned on how that goes - especially the waking up earlier part.


  1. Drink a glass of water, with lemon if I have it.

  2. I use this peppermint oil and meditate for a few minutes or do some deep breathing.

  3. Journal with prompts. I journaled without prompts for a little over a year and noticed I was pretty much writing the same thing so I started using prompts and as mentioned, that's what inspired this post. Share any good ones with me and keep an eye out for prompts on simplifying, decluttering and organizing soon.

  4. Read a book even if it's just a few pages. Currently reading this.

  5. Passion Plan. I typically set up my planner on Friday for the coming week and create a list in Google Keep the night before but I like to write my focus for the day in my planner each morning so I make it a priority. I love the idea of the planner and I'll admit I had a slight obsession with planner stickers for a minute but I'm not sure I would use the same planner next year. For one, my writing isn't the best and two I don't get creative with it so it's not used he way I intended to.

  6. Make a matcha or chai latte to set myself up before opening my inbox.

  7. Make the bed - unless I plan on getting back in (ha!).

For the weekly routine I'm trying out, I created buckets for each day and put post-its at my desk to make sure I see it throughout the day, cause sometimes you just need reminders! We'll see how this goes too, stay tuned!


  • Daily - this includes my morning routine and any other items I'd like to do daily

  • Workout - rotating workouts so I don't get bored and work different parts of the body

  • Cleaning - I divide up each room, laundry and plant care by day

  • Business - assigning myself specific tasks to keep Well Edited afloat

  • Q (my daughter)/family - an activity, craft or class since Q isn't in preschool anymore

What does your morning/weekly routine look like? Please share - suggestions always welcome and needed!

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