Have you ever considered what living lighter would mean or look like for you? Before I share my thoughts on this, I want to clarify that I can't define it for everyone. What I can do is share my own experience and explain how living lighter has impacted me, and while doing so, offer you some tips on how to begin adopting a lighter lifestyle.
To put it simply, living lighter in the context of a simple lifestyle means not being or feeling constantly weighed down by anything or anyone. It’s having downtime to relax and not feel like you’re always on the go not just during this season but as a lifestyle. It’s being true to yourself and not compromising who you are. It’s releasing some or all of what makes you feel heavy. It’s having things you need and love with a little bit of room for excess. It's not letting your possessions or busyness define you. It’s a sense of freedom from debt, obligation, endless to do’s, clutter and so many other areas that weigh us down and leave us feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. Living lighter for me is all those things - it's simpler and easier living from dinner recipes, to wardrobe choices and more.
Does it mean life is perfectly light all of the time? Not at all. ! A lot of things are out of our control and we’ll always be making edits (I made several this past month!).
Living lighter for me started with my physical belongings - I was laid off, sold things, paid off debt and felt free to take time off before jumping into a new job. I saw the heaviness of my belongings and what it cost me. I was more aware of what I did and didn’t need and it trickled into other areas of life - from to do’s, to over scheduling myself, to relationships, friendships and social media.
Here are some of the benefits I’ve experienced and simple ways you can start living lighter:
An overall feeling of lightness especially when things feel so heavy
Saves times, energy, money
More time for things I love
Feel empowered and find clarity (sometimes)
Make a list with what makes you feel weighed down - taking the time to be aware of these things is the first step. After making the list of what makes you feel weighed down, think of small steps to make the load a little lighter and simplify what you can.
Define what you value in life and make adjustments to prioritize those things first.
Clear clutter, clear schedules, even evaluate relationships that weigh you down. If news or social media feels heavy or overwhelming take a break and deactivate your account. Just say no, maybe not all the time but when it feels right - listen to yourself and you'll know when it's right.
If you want to chat more on getting started or share tips from your experience, email me here.