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Recently, I was tasked by my mentor to write out my story. As I wrote, I started to think about what caused me to make the changes I've made towards a simpler life. The answer?

I'd had enough. I wanted major change and while I knew it wasn't going to be easy, I knew it was necessary. At the time, I'd had enough with grinding day in and day out with nothing much to show for it except for a closet full of clothes and material things that didn't have any real

value. After spending some time to think about the life I wanted, I was on my way towards slowly making changes. I was recently speaking to a friend who is going through similar changes about how powerful it can be to get to the point of having enough.


  • This is when you feel most powerful to take on things like decluttering your home and life.

  • It won’t always be easy but it will be a defining moment.

  • Clutter can get you to this point but it can also be from finances, wanting a new career, reaching fitness goals, wanting to travel and explore, a milestone in life (e.g., marriage, new baby, a new home).

  • This is the time to embrace it instead of shutting down and make the changes you need to make. Imagine the life you want - it will guide you to make the necessary changes.

If any of this resonates with you and you want to chat more, contact me here.


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